US to be Ineffective in Replied to Israel-Gaza Conflict Highlights Appeal of Dictatorships

Home Politics US to be Ineffective in Replied to Israel-Gaza Conflict Highlights Appeal of Dictatorships
The recent attack by Hamas terrorists on Israel has highlighted the fact that there are no US ambassadors currently stationed in Israel, Egypt, Kuwait, Lebanon, and Oman

The political turmoil in Washington has created a situation where there is a lack of diplomatic representation between the United States and the Middle East. Due to the ongoing political upheaval, there is a shortage of key diplomats in the region, which is causing concerns about how the dysfunction in Congress may impact the US presidency.

The recent attack by Hamas terrorists on Israel has highlighted the fact that there are no US ambassadors currently stationed in Israel, Egypt, Kuwait, Lebanon, and Oman. This absence of diplomatic presence further emphasizes the challenges and raises important questions about how the internal political issues in Washington will affect the United States’ ability to engage effectively in the Middle East.

The US Agency for International Development, which is in charge of supporting nations rebuilding after a disaster, has also been operating without an assistant administrator for the Middle East for over three years. This position is necessary for supplying the area with urgent economic and humanitarian aid. Furthermore, the State Department’s terrorism coordinator, who oversees efforts to combat terrorism overseas, has been waiting for confirmation for some time.

These huge openings in the US government have grown increasingly more obvious at this time in history, which some have called a turning point. However, they take place amid a climate of obstruction, disagreements regarding the budget, and internal strife among Republicans on Capitol Hill.

US to be Ineffective in Replied to Israel-Gaza Conflict Highlights Appeal of Dictatorships
The political turmoil in Washington has created a situation where there is a lack of diplomatic representation between the United States and the Middle East.


According to experts, the current vacancies in diplomatic positions inadvertently bolster leaders like Vladimir Putin, who advocate for authorization rule and authoritarian rule and argue that democracy is flawed. This situation America’s reliability. The perception of confusion and chaos in US foreign policy poses a threat to national security, as it creates an impression that the United States lacks a clear and coherent approach to international affairs.

Since Tom Nides left in July, the United States has been without an ambassador in Israel. A confirmation hearing for Jack Lew has been set for the following Monday after Joe Biden nominated him as his replacement. Lew, though, may come under fire from Republicans because of his prior employment as Barack Obama’s treasury secretary and his support for the Iran nuclear agreement.

Israel-Gaza War:

The lack of an ambassador in Israel has caused a sizable diplomatic coverage to vacuum and generated a lot of inquiries. The apparent waning of Israeli deterrence and the rising Hamas popularity in Arab and Muslim nations both add to the challenges of the situation. Newly appointed ambassadors are at a disadvantage relative to their Russian counterparts since it takes time to establish the expertise, networks, and contacts essential to traverse the region.

Charge d’ affaires Stephanie Hallett, who now represents the US in Israel, voiced support for Israel in a moving video shared on social media. For effective diplomacy in the area, however, the requirement for knowledgeable and properly empowered ambassadors continues to be essential.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and other senior Israeli officials often communicate with Vice President Joe Biden and other top US officials. Even on Wednesday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Israel. While the lack of an ambassador does not imply a lack of communication, it does have drawbacks, particularly at this crucial moment.

Larry Haas, a senior scholar at the American Foreign Policy Council, pointed out that not having an ambassador in place could come with significant costs when dealing with sensitive matters. He also raised the concern that it’s improper and embarrassing for the United States, being the world’s leading power, to be engaged in a competition with autocratic nations such as China and Russia. This situation provides leaders like Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin with ammunition to promote their own governance models as alternatives to what they perceive as a dysfunctional American system.

Haas voiced worry that people who oppose ambassadorships and high posts inside the United States State Department and the Pentagon put their personal interests before those of the US, eventually harming the nation’s status on the world stage.

There are internal conflicts within Israel as well as external influences at play in the country’s continuous struggle. Because of this, there have been substantial losses and a disturbing cycle of violence that has no end in sight, producing a lose-lose scenario.

For many years, US diplomacy has encountered challenges. President Biden nominated 78 people for ambassadorial positions in November 2021, but the Senate only approved seven of them, underscoring the lengthy confirmation procedure.

There is a sense of chaos in Washington as the violence in Israel and Gaza has developed. After Kevin McCarthy was ousted as House Speaker, Republicans are looking for a new speaker while a budget standoff with Democrats looms, perhaps resulting in a government shutdown soon.

In another development, Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville has taken a stand against the Pentagon’s abortion-access policy. He has pledged to block over 300 military promotions in opposition to this policy. This move has caused disruptions in nine high-ranking military positions that are responsible for the Middle East, as reported by Pentagon officials who briefed the senator.

Philip Crowley, a former Assistant Secretary of State, believes that while there could be concerns if crucial actions were delayed, the current situation hasn’t reached that level of dysfunction just yet. He wants to highlight that individuals at various levels within the State Department are working tirelessly to address this issue.

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