Lindsey Graham, Has Been Added by Russia To The List Of “Terrorists And Extremists”

Lindsey Graham, Has Been Added by Russia To The List Of "Terrorists And Extremists"

One of Donald Trump’s most important allies, Republican senator Lindsey Graham, has been added to the Russian government’s list of “terrorists and extremists.”

The action by Rosfinmonitoring, which permits authorities to block Russian bank accounts—though in Graham’s case it is probably primarily symbolic—was initially reported by Tass, the state-run news agency.

Graham mockingly posted on an social media on Tuesday afternoon, “There goes all my rubles!”

According to the X website, the Rosfinmonitoring list comprises more than 400 companies, more than 12,000 individuals, as well as local and foreign terrorist entities and Russian political opposition groups.

According to reports,  Meta was placed to the list in October 2022 for allegedly allowing “Russophobia.” Mark Zuckerberg, the company’s CEO, and other Meta staff members have been placed on “wanted” lists or prohibited from entering Russia.

One of Donald Trump's most important allies, Republican senator Lindsey Graham, has been added to the Russian government's list of "terrorists and extremists"
According to the X website, the Rosfinmonitoring list comprises more than 400 companies, more than 12,000 individuals, as well as local and foreign terrorist entities and Russian political opposition group

Graham, a hawkish senator from South Carolina who has long supported arming Ukraine against Russian invaders, is also the target of a Russian arrest order for allegedly expressing “Russophobic remarks” while in Kiev.

The Russian government spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, stated at the time that it was hard to think of a bigger disgrace for a nation than having such senators.

Graham told Reuters that “the Russia propaganda machine is hard at work, as usual” in response to the warrant. The US’s investment to assist in freeing Ukraine from Russian war criminals has proven to be profitable. He declared that he would display the arrest order that Putin’s dishonest and morally bankrupt regime had issued as a badge of honor.

But Graham is also a well-known supporter of Trump, the outgoing president and potential Republican presidential nominee who is widely believed to favor Putin and Russia.

Graham Against on Defense and Foreign Aid Package

Graham voted against a $95 billion defense and foreign aid package this month, which would have greatly benefited Kyiv. Graham stated on a news channel on Sunday that he supported a counterproposal of $66 billion from members of both parties in the House, saying, “It makes perfect sense to me to turn the aid package into a loan.”

That was in line with Trump’s demand that loans be made in exchange for aid to Ukraine. Graham declared, “I think that’s a winning combination.” “Let’s lend it out. I believe that clarifies President Trump’s position on help.

Graham expressed sorrow for the passing of Alexei Navalny, the most well-known figure in Putin’s opposition, who passed away in a Russian prison camp last week. He also said that Russia ought to be named a state supporter of terrorism.

On Tuesday, he reiterated the accusation, stating, “I raise you ‘State Sponsor of Terrorism under US law’ and call your bid for ‘terrorists and extremists.'”

“2024 is going to be a terrible year for Putin’s Russia, believe it or not. Additional help for Ukraine. Additional advanced weaponry that is capable of striking the Russian occupants. Russia’s designation as a Terrorism State Sponsor. NATO expansion

Republicans are still trying to link immigration and border reform to aid to Ukraine, despite the fact that senators like Graham blew up their own border agreement with Democrats when Trump voiced his opposition.

Graham shared something on social media on Tuesday. I am aware of what will occur if Putin prevails in Ukraine. Nevertheless, a large number of Congressmen don’t appear to comprehend the daily atrocities committed against America at our southern border. I’m in favor of aiding Ukraine. However, we have to start with ourselves. It’s time to regain authority over our shattered border.

“After entering the Trump orbit, he became so focused on protecting himself in South Carolina that he would even push his mother in front of a train to get to his destination,” the anonymous Democratic senator complained to the Hill, lamenting Graham’s pliable allegiance.

“It pains me to admit it, but I really do like him.”

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