Why National Emergency FEMA Alert Test Will Be Sent To All Phones On Oct. 4?

Home Health Why National Emergency FEMA Alert Test Will Be Sent To All Phones On Oct. 4?
National Emergency Test By FEMA

On October 4, a nationwide emergency broadcast system test will transmit a signal to cell phones to trigger nanoparticles like graphene oxide that have been injected into people’s bodies.

It’s because the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) are testing the system that will alert you in the event of a catastrophic disaster. Additionally, your cellphone will also receive a loud alarm that will be broadcast on radio and television.

This indicates that at roughly 2:20 p.m., all significant U.S. cellular providers will send the national test to their users.

Cell phone companies will broadcast the test for 30 minutes, but your phone should only get it once.

The Emergency Management of Florida Division ran a similar mobile test in April around 4:45 a.m. with the message “This is a TEST of the Emergency Alert System. No action is necessary.”

Later on in the day, FDEM also apologized, claiming that the alert was only intended for television.

You may be accustomed to the startling noises that accompany Missing of America: Broadcast Emergency Response (AMBER) and National Weather Service alerts. The same wireless network will be used to deliver Wednesday’s cell phone warnings.

According to Jeffrey J. Jadwin, Muskingum County Emergency Management’s Director & Homeland Security, “Validating the accuracy as well as efficiency of the national emergency alerting system is essential to ensuring our community remains safe.” I would want to remind the residents that this is simply a test and they should not be concerned if they receive an alert on their mobile devices.

A spokesman for the FEMA, which is in charge of the test, added that the signal has no known negative impacts on health. The allegations bring back long-debunked conspiracies about the COVID-19 vaccine’s ingredients.

Even when the remainder of the message makes it obvious that it’s merely a test, seeing the words “Emergency Alert” on your phone or your nearby TV screen can be startling. And many residents of Hawaii in 2018 — as well as their families — are still traumatized by the fake emergency alert that the Emergency Alert System mistakenly delivered to citizens’ cellphones in the midst of a test, warning of an apparently impending missile danger.

Facts About The Emergency Test
Emergency Test
Don’t Panic If You Hear A Noise Emanating From Your Phone On Wednesday in The Afternoon. This is Only A Test


Users of social media are issuing grave cautions on impending tests of the national emergency alerting system.

On the day of the test, many are pleading with their followers to turn off their telephones because they think it’s part of a larger plot to manipulate the populace.

In one widely seen video, a lady asserts that the test will somehow activate technology that has been implanted into people’s bodies.

Despite the fact that many people are comfortable with emergency test warnings that appear on broadcast media like radio and television, it’s possible that fewer individuals are aware of how those notifications perform on the cell phone they are currently carrying. So, if you know of someone in your life who might be worried or trembled by this emergency alert test flashing on their cellphone—for example, an elderly member of your family who perhaps isn’t very comfortable using their cellphone—you could think about offering them a heads-up about Wednesday morning’s test and letting them know it’s nothing to be concerned about.

The woman says into the camera, “The emergency transmission network under FEMA will soon be activated.” It’s not an exam. These high-frequency transmissions will be transmitted to TVs, radios, and cell phones. the purpose is to activate nanoparticles, such as graphene oxide.

Additionally, according to the language preferences of a person’s phone, the message will either be in English or Spanish. Therefore, tell anyone you know who does not speak any of those languages about the test.

You might also want to email this article to someone you know who really won’t want to wake up to the sound of their phone suddenly shrieking on Wednesday morning, such as someone with PTSD, a night shift worker, or a family with little ones sleeping at home.

Also Read: Alarming Situation as COVID-19 Cases are Rising among Elders and Children

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