Lung Cancer is more Diagnosed in Women than Men, a Puzzle for Experts

Home Health Lung Cancer is more Diagnosed in Women than Men, a Puzzle for Experts
Lung Cancer is more Diagnosed in Women than Men

A recent study has experts confused as they try to figure out why more young and middle-aged women than men are getting lung cancer, which kills more women than breast and ovarian cancer combined.

According to radiation oncologist Dr. Andrea McKee, lung cancer is the leading cause of death in women, not breast cancer, and she advocates for more education about the condition.

According to estimates, this malignancy kills approximately 164 women every day in the United States.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as cigarette smoking is seen as the main trigger of lung cancer, the rates of women using cigarettes have decreased markedly over the past few years.

However, the number of women diagnosed with cancer was increasing, particularly among those who had never smoked.

According to the study published in the journal JAMA Oncology, lung cancer cases have increased by 84% in women over the last 43 years while decreasing by 36% in men.

It was discovered that people who never smoked are twice as likely as male non-smokers to develop cancer. Scientists have attempted to explain why it is just attacking one gender but have come up empty-handed.

Lung Cancer is more Diagnosed in Women than Men, a Puzzle for Experts
Lung Cancer Cases have Increased by 84% in Women over the Last 43 years while Decreasing by 36% in Men

Lawmakers intend to set up a specific center to increase money and official partners to assess the state of preventative services supplied to women, in addition to awareness efforts.

According to studies, just 15% of the National Institutes of Health’s budget is dedicated to female-focused studies, and lung cancer remains the leading cause of death among women.

Other risk factors identified by the American Cancer Society include family history, indirect smoke contact, radon, asbestos fibers, environmental damage, and arsenic in drinking water.

Lung Cancer Diagnosing 

Lung cancer is typically diagnosed late, which is damaging. It’s also tough to deal with. Researchers hope that studies demonstrating gender inequalities in lung cancer will raise awareness among healthcare practitioners about how this disease affects women so that they can be on the lookout for it.

According to the American Lung Association, just 5% of people who are eligible for this cancer screening receive it. Researchers hope that studies demonstrating gender inequalities in lung cancer will raise awareness among healthcare providers about how this disease affects women so that they can be on the lookout for it.

A doctor should be consulted if a cough lasts longer than six weeks, if blood appears when coughing, if you are short of breath or hoarse for a few weeks, or if you have unexplained weight loss.

When asked what the leading cancer killer among women is, most people will respond with breast cancer. It isn’t. Lung cancer is the diagnosis. Lung cancer is primarily a women’s health issue, but more people need to be educated about it, according to Dr. Andrea McKee, a radiation oncologist and American Lung Association volunteer medical spokeswoman.

According to studies, just 15% of the National Institutes of Health’s money is dedicated to female-focused research, despite the fact that lung cancer kills more women in the United States than breast, ovarian, and cervical cancer together. According to data, lung cancer is the least funded of the major malignancies in terms of research dollars per death.

People can also look for indicators of lung cancer. If you have a cough that lasts longer than six weeks, have trouble coughing up blood, are short of breath or loud for a few weeks, or have unexpected weight loss, consult your doctor.

The American Lung Association website also has a questionnaire called Saved by the Scan that might help you determine if you are qualified for testing.

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