Biden Claims that Trump gives in to Putin by Pushing Russia to Attack NATO

Biden Claims that Trump

Biden alleges that Trump is caving in to Putin by inciting Russia to attack NATO members who fail to fulfill their commitments.

After Donald Trump said he would back Russia’s invasion of countries who break their NATO pledges, President Joe Biden slammed the former president on Tuesday, accusing him of giving in to Vladimir Putin.

These are among of Biden’s most severe critiques of his probable opponent on foreign policy to far, and they represent his most recent attack on Trump from the White House.

During a speech on Saturday in South Carolina, Trump declared that he would support Russia in doing “whatever the hell they want” to any NATO member nation that doesn’t adhere to defense budget caps. According to US President, such remarks conveyed a “dangerous and shocking” signal.

Is it possible for a previous US president to say something like that? Incredulous, Biden questioned from the State Dining Room. Everyone on the planet heard it. Worst of all, he actually means it.

The billion supplemental aid package that was approved by the Senate will help Israel, Ukraine, and US partners in the Indo-Pacific region in addition to aiding Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip. In his opening remarks, President asked the House of Representatives to vote “immediately” on the measure.

Biden Claims that Trump gives in to Putin by Pushing Russia to Attack NATO
Biden said, No other president in our history has submitted to a Russian despot.

Ukraine would have received more than billion from the Senate measure as it gets ready to commemorate the second anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion of the nation. Previous attempts to approve a border security law together with an assistance package were derailed when Trump voiced his opposition.

Not only did the American foreign policy establishment take offense at Trump’s remark almost away, but so did NATO partners, who have been closely observing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Biden, who has devoted a large amount of his career to tackling transatlantic security-related issues, was especially incensed by the remark.

An individual with knowledge of the matter stated that the president was taken aback upon discovering the remarks afterwards. After that campaign, he issued a statement disapproving of the concept.

Biden Condemned Trump’s Remarks

Shortly after Trump’s remarks were made, the White House condemned them.

White House spokesman Andrew Bates said in a statement on Saturday that “supporting attacks of our closest friends by murderous regimes is disgusting and unhinged-and it jeopardize American national security, the stability of the world, and the economy at home.”

However, Biden went above and beyond in his condemnation of Trump from the White House. 

In an address that at least six times included Trump by name, Biden made an effort to vehemently refute concerns about US loyalty to its partners.

Biden continued, No other president in our history has submitted to a Russian despot. I will never do, let me state it as clearly as possible. God, that is so stupid. It is deplorable. It’s risky. It isn’t American.

Biden attacked Trump for the remark throughout a large portion of his address on Tuesday, saying it went against long-standing US ideals. The speech’s main goal was to support Ukraine.

“America’s word has meaning when it is spoken. NATO is a fundamental obligation, and we honor the promises we make,” stated Biden.

“Donald Trump sees this as a burden,” he went on.
He asserted that Trump viewed the defense alliance as a “protection racket” and was ignorant of its role in upholding freedom and security. “

Principles don’t matter to Trump. According to Biden, everything is transactional.

He claimed that after hearing Trump’s remarks, the enemies of the United States “all cheered.” “I won’t give up.” “It is unimaginable for any other president to leave office,” stated Biden.

Also Read: In a Historic Decision, The US House Impeaches Biden, The Secretary of Homeland Security

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