Kevin McCarthy Historic Ouster, Republicans are Embarrassed and Ashamed

Home Politics Kevin McCarthy Historic Ouster, Republicans are Embarrassed and Ashamed
Kevin McCarthy Historic Ouster

Following the historic expulsion of former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, a group of almost four dozen House Republicans has demanded a drastic change in the chamber’s rules.

The wrongdoing we all observed must be rectified, or we will face accountability for the repercussions. To achieve success for the American people, our conference must confront fundamental adjustments to the makeup of our majority, 45 House Republicans wrote in a letter to colleagues on Thursday.

Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., was stripped of the speaker’s gavel on Tuesday after Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., requested the speaker remove the chair on Monday night. Under the criteria agreed to by Kevin McCarthy for retaining the speakership in January, only one legislator can ask for the move to quit, triggering a necessary vote within 48 hours.

According to the letter, the MPs were embarrassed and ashamed” by Kevin McCarthy’s Historic Ouster. Previously this week, eight Republican members of the United States House of Representatives joined forces with 208 Democratic members to pass a motion to remove the Speaker of the House, they said.

That corresponds to less than 4% of our Republican Party combining with all Democrats to overturn the will of the remaining 96% of House Republicans on one of the most important votes the House has taken in over a century. Kevin McCarthy was praised as one of the most brilliant speakers in recent history.

We refuse to let the eight Republicans who deserted and undermined our conference determine any policy or personnel decisions for the rest of this Congress, including the upcoming appointment of the Speaker of the House, the letter said. We are embarrassed and ashamed by what transpired on the floor this week.

Republicans are Embarrassed and Ashamed on Kevin McCarthy Historic Ouster
Almost Four Dozen House Republicans have Demanded a Drastic Change in the Chamber’s Rules after Kevin McCarthy’s Historic Ouster

Following Kevin McCarthy’s removal, intraparty conflicts have erupted. It has been a hot rod in the current speakership race, with some Republican extremists insisting on its retention, while an overwhelming majority of the conference has asked for its threshold to be raised above just one member, and some have proposed removing it entirely.

It is our job at this time to find the right person to lead us forward in order to achieve the conservative policy goals that we and the people of the United States all share, according to the letter.

We cannot enable the partnership between the disorderly caucus and the minority party to rule as our majority, which will only ensure the demise of our next Speaker, it continued.

Trump Support after Kevin McCarthy Ouster

Former American President Donald Trump backed Republican Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio on Friday for the position of House Speaker.
Trump’s social media support of close ally Jordan arrived three days after the House voted to eliminate Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., as speaker.

It also came after numerous Republican members asked for Trump to be chosen speaker. The former president considered doing so, at least temporarily, until a new speaker is appointed.

Trump stated that Jordan would be a wonderful Speaker of the House, and he has my complete and total support. He is adamant about crime, borders, our military and veterans, and the Second Amendment. Trump posted on his Truth Social website early Friday.

The support is a setback for the second most prominent nominee for the position, House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, R-La., who has a huge list of supporters and more leadership experience. Because of his overwhelming support among Republican voters, Trump is the apparent leader for the GOP presidential candidacy in 2024.

Members of the House are slated to return early next week for a Tuesday contender forum for the House speaker’s election and a tentatively planned Wednesday vote after the historic expulsion of former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy

Democrats are anticipated to oppose all of the contenders. Republicans have a tiny majority in the House, which means that the next speaker will need to win nearly all GOP votes in order to be elected.

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