Joe Biden is Losing Support from Younger People for a Major Reason: Palestine and Israel

Home U.S. Joe Biden is Losing Support from Younger People for a Major Reason: Palestine and Israel
Joe Biden is Losing Support from Younger People for a Major Reason: Palestine and Israel

The 2024 presidential race shouldn’t be particularly close. Donald Trump, the opponent of Joe Biden, is a liar, a fraud, and a bigot who has been implicated in numerous genuine claims of sexual assault. He has also openly admitted to having authoritarian goals, a terrible history of embracing sadistic racism in both his words and policies, and 92 pending felony charges. 

The former president’s Republican party is now controlled by a small but mighty group of voters with highly divisive social views, especially in regard to abortion. These views have caused the Republicans to lose almost all significant elections since the summer of 2022.

Few leaders have ever been as unpopular as Trump, and few campaigns have ever seemed more geared to enrage and alienate voters as the Republican parties. Voters do not like them and against their vision for the US. 

But Joe Biden might not win. He probably would if the election were to take place today. A New York Times/Siena survey that saw the US president trailing Trump in five important swing states was extensively reported earlier this month. The Biden team shrugged off the data, pointing out how far away the election is. 

According to a new poll conducted by a well-known news channel, Biden is in terrible shape as well, with his approval rating dropping to 40%, the lowest it has ever been. According to the poll, he was performing particularly badly among Democrats and younger voters, many of whom were unhappy with his handling of a problem that is revealing a widening rift within the party: Israel’s strike on Palestinians in Gaza after the Hamas attack on October 7.

The 2024 presidential race shouldn't be particularly close. Donald Trump, the opponent of Joe Biden
he former president’s Republican party is now controlled by a small but mighty group of voters with highly divisive social views, especially in regard to abortion

The Biden administration has steadfastly backed its Middle East friend since almost the start of Israel’s conflict, allowing little public space between its official pronouncements and those of Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s right-wing prime minister. Even though Israeli bombardment in Gaza have killed over 14,000 Palestinians, including over 5,000 children, and evicted over a million people, aid and weaponry deals still go to Israel without any conditions. 

There has been strong, hawkish support for Israel’s war, with White House rhetoric frequently seeming to be unaffected by or even hostile to worries over the deaths of Palestinian civilians. Karine Jean-Pierre, Biden’s press secretary, called for a ceasefire on October 10 and called it “disgraceful,” “repugnant,” and “wrong.” “This is not a two-sided problem,” Jean-Pierre declared, implying that the White House would not tolerate any care for the lives of Palestinians.

Biden Asked About Death Toll

In a particularly unsettling development, Biden himself questioned the official death toll from the Gaza Health Ministry, stating on October 27 that he did not trust the number the Palestinians were citing. This is even though the United Nations and other health organizations around the world had previously found the data from this ministry to be trustworthy.

It appeared that the Palestinians were deliberately exaggerating the number of their deaths, and the true count was a lower, purportedly more acceptable one. 

The Biden administration has appeared to err on the side of caution, at least on the periphery, while the body count rises and Gaza’s structures collapse. Off-the-record remarks from individuals identifying themselves as “administration officials” showed “frustration” and “concern” with the Israelis’ determination to move forward with a Gaza assault in the absence of a long-term plan for the region. 

 For Biden and the pro-ceasefire camp, the 20th and 21st centuries, respectively, are the decisive lessons from which they are drawing. Whether they can locate each other in time may have a significant impact on the outcome of the upcoming election.

Also Read: House Speaker Mike Johnson Draws Parallel Between Abortion and ‘American Holocaust’

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