Natalee Holloway’s Murderer Joran van der Sloot Has Admitted To His Crime

Home U.S. Natalee Holloway’s Murderer Joran van der Sloot Has Admitted To His Crime
Natalee Holloway's Murderer Has Admitted To His Crime

The main suspect in the case of Natalee Holloway’s disappearance has admitted that he battered the young woman from Alabama to death on an Aruba beach after she turned down his sexual advances on an Aruba beach.

As Joran van der Sloot admitted to extorting Natalee Holloway’s mother on Wednesday, concluding a case that has captured the public’s interest for over 20 years, new information about the murder came to light.

Despite not being charged in Natalee Holloway’s death, van der Sloot’s attempt to extract a quarter million dollars from the murdered teen’s mother provided detectives with a vital link to the 2005 slaying. The family declared that they were putting years of uncertainty and doubt behind them after finally meeting him in a U.S. courtroom.

According to Beth Holloway, the mother of Natalee Holloway, Joran van der Sloot was no longer a suspect in her daughter’s slaying. She made her declaration outside the federal courtroom in Birmingham, Alabama, following the 36-year-old Dutchman’s plea and sentencing hearing.

Beth Holloway said, Joran van der Sloot told her that after drowning her daughter in Aruba’s sea after killing her there, he had last seen her when he had thrown her into the water. She continued by saying that she was relieved that Joran van der Sloot had carried out the crime, eliminated her, and done it alone.

In an interview on October 3, he described how he became enraged by her resistance, seized the block, and claimed to have fully crushed her head in with it.

He asserted that despite it being dark, he could see that her face was collapsing and that her face sort of, you know, fell in.

He claimed that he then shoved her off into the water after dragging her in until he was approximately knee-deep. He claimed that he then walked home.

Judge Anna Manasco sentenced van der Sloot to 20 years in prison on federal charges due to the terrible murders of Natalee Holloway and a Peruvian woman decades later—both of whom van der Sloot had previously admitted to killing.

Manasco revealed on Wednesday that she had taken into account his admission of guilt in Natalee Holloway’s gruesome death.

She continued by stating that Joran van der Sloot murdered with brutality two stunning women who had turned down his advances in separate events that occurred years apart.

Natalee Holloway's Murderer
Joran van der Sloot Brutally Murdered Two Women When They Declined His Attempts For Sexual Favors, The Judge Anna Manasco Testified In Court


The judge said that Holloway’s body would never be discovered after reading van der Sloot’s offering.
Van der Sloot, who was bound and wearing an orange prisoner uniform, told the packed courtroom that he expected the confession would bring about resolution.

Joran van der Sloot stated that he would appreciate the opportunity to apologize to his family, the Holloways. Later, he clarified that he was not the same guy he had been then.

Even with his confession, van der Sloot cannot be charged in Aruba because the statute of limitations has run, according to Holloway’s father Dave Holloway’s attorney Mark White.

How He Killed Natalee Holloway

He laid down on a beach with Natalee Holloway and they began kissing late at night. Van der Sloot began stroking her while the kissing continued. Van der Sloot continued groping her when Holloway objected and told him to stop.

According to Van der Sloot, she ultimately kneed him in the groin.

Van der Sloot claimed that he kicked her in the face really forcefully while standing up. Then, after locating a sizable cinderblock, he struck her with it. As soon as he realized what he had done, he shoved her body into the water until it reached his knees.

Van der Sloot’s confession, according to Beth Holloway, was corroborated by a polygraph examination.

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