Google says Political Ads will Disclose about Artificial Intelligence

Home Technology Google says Political Ads will Disclose about Artificial Intelligence
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Google’s new feature will tell users about when images and audio have been developed by use of artificial intelligence. Google will soon update new features that require political ads on its forum. A Google spokesperson told the BBC that new features have been created because of the increasing rate of tools and software that generate fake content. This new rule will be implemented in November, because 2024 will be the year of the American presidential election.

Artificial intelligence may enhance false information in campaigns. Google already uses an advertisement policy that blocks misrepresenting digital media to misguide individuals about politics, social matters, or issues related to people. But this new feature of Google will need election-based ads to permanently close if they have false information that represents genuine, or authentic looking of events and people. 

Google-recommended tags like this picture don’t show authentic events, and AI-generated this video information as effective flags. According to Google Ad policy, 

Proveable false claims that would erode trust in the electoral process are also banned at Google. This feature needed political ads to reveal who paid for them, and made information regarding the message accessible in the online library of ads.

Google said that this new feature update will also apply on YouTube videos advertisements that need all proven ads to show whether their ads had false contents.

Google says Political Ads will Disclose about Artificial Intelligence
Google’s New Feature will Tell Users about When Images And Audio have been Developed by Use of Artificial Intelligence.

A fake image of Former American President Donald Trump that showed him being arrested was posted on social platforms in March. Another fake video was posted on social media that showed Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukrainian President, showing him talking about surrendering to Russia.

Google’s New Policy

Revealing of digitally changed information in election advertisements in presidential elections will be prominent and clear and add where they will be noticeable. For example, a post will be labeled that this image contains false news or false image and audio showing an individual saying or doing something that is not true or they don’t do, or this event is not actual. 

Google’s new policy also applies outside America as well, other countries like India, Brazil, and Europe. These countries also have elections next year. This policy also applies to ads using fake content which are images or videos that have falsely created to misguide, that are blocked under Google’s existing policy.

Facebook does not need the disclosure of false and artificial intelligence made content in its policies. Facebook has a policy of blocking manipulating contents in images and videos that are not in ads.


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