The FBI Confiscated Phones from NY Mayor Eric Adams as Part of an Inquiry into Fundraising

Home Politics The FBI Confiscated Phones from NY Mayor Eric Adams as Part of an Inquiry into Fundraising
The FBI Confiscated Phones from NY Mayor Eric Adams

A federal investigation into accusations of corruption against New York’s City Mayor Eric Adam has resulted in the seizure of many of his digital gadgets by FBI investigators.

According to a story from The New York Times, FBI agents contacted Mr. Adams earlier this week and used a court-ordered warrant to seize at least two of his cell phones and an iPad. The mayor later received the electronic devices back, according to sources with knowledge of the situation who spoke with the publication.

Monday night was the day of the seizure. After asking the mayor’s security to move aside, the FBI approached him on the street and took two iPhones and an iPad. After a few days, they were returned.

Boyd Johnson, Adams’ campaign lawyer, released an additional statement, which seems to cast doubt on the possibility that someone else close to him was involved in an improper incident of any kind:

Following the announcement of the federal investigation, it was found that someone had lately behaved inappropriately. This behavior was promptly and aggressively reported to investigators in the spirit of openness and collaboration. The mayor is still dedicated to working with you on this.

After something happened on Monday night, the FBI contacted the mayor. As soon as possible, the mayor gave the FBI the electronic equipment they requested. The mayor is still assisting with the inquiry and has not been charged with any crimes.

During his weekly press conference on Wednesday, Adams was primarily questioned about the shocking FBI raid on his major campaign fundraiser, Briana Suggs’ house. The mayor withheld the information that two days prior, he had been contacted by FBI agents who had taken his personal devices away.

Marcia Kramer, a political reporter for CBS New York, was informed by sources that the material Adams’ attorneys provided investigators did not concern Suggs but rather a member of the mayor’s inner circle.

The FBI Confiscated Phones from NY Mayor Eric Adams as Part of an Inquiry into Fundraising
FBI agents contacted Mr. Adams earlier this week and used a court-ordered warrant to seize at least two of his cell phones and an iPad

Although information about them was thought to be on one of the mayor’s devices—which were reportedly given back to him a few days later—sources declined to describe the individual in detail.

According to CBS New York, Provost David Birdsell of Kean University stated that this merely lays the foundation for the plot to become significantly more complex in terms of the mayor’s role.

Although there isn’t any suggestion of guilt, Birdsell notes that this elevates the stakes for the mayor.

What Was the FBI Trying to Find in Eric Adams Phone?

He claimed that until recently, no one had made any accusations regarding the mayor’s possible involvement in suspected fundraising from foreign sources, in this case, Turkish sources. However, at this point, his devices are being seized.

And what precisely was the FBI trying to find? There are text messages available. You will discover emails. And crucially, you will discover proof of the times and identities of calls made and received, according to former US attorney Zachary Carter.

As a former law enforcement officer, I want every member of my team to follow the law and fully assist with any kind of investigation, and I am going to continue to do absolutely that, the mayor stated in a statement to himself. Nothing is hidden from me.

The federal government isn’t just looking into Mayor Adams; they are actively seeking maximum humiliation as part of a political vendetta, most likely in response to the noise he has made against President Biden’s bad border policies. This is demonstrated by the recent public seizure of Mayor Adams’ phones and tablets.

Remember, this comes after the initial raid in this probe, which occurred while Adams was traveling to Washington by plane and targeted Biden for refusing to assist the city in bearing the multibillion-dollar expense of providing for the undocumented immigrants the president is welcoming into the nation.

Also Read: US Diplomats Told the Biden Team that There Was Growing Anger Toward the US in the Arab 

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